Conscience and remembrance: 100 years after World War I

Photo of Commonwealth World War I cemetery in Belgium by Johnny Zokovitch, 2016

World War I, the “war to end all wars,” ended 100 years ago this week.

Pax Christi UK offers several resources for reflection on the Great War:

For King and country … and conscience“: Valerie Flessati writes about the experiences of British and Irish Catholic men who registered as conscientious objectors during World War I. Published on the Tablet, November 2018. Registration required. (Free, but it takes several steps.)

Global peacemaking – the struggle goes on”: Audio file of Pat Gaffney’s talk on 24 October as part of the “Remembering war, making peace” series at the United Church, Winchester, UK.

World War I Centenary: Remembrance is not enough: PDF of liturgical resources around the centenary of the end of World War I

Pax Christi UK’s October-November 2018 newsletter, focused on remembrance. Note particularly Fr. Gerry McFlynn’s article on the cover, “Remembrance, a condition for peacemaking.”

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